Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2003
Also Kaffee schwarz schmeckt am besten und spart Geld.

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Uninteressante Gespraechsfetzen, die eh keiner mitbekommen wollte.
Smalltalker: Na, wie gehts?
JoJo: Jo, jo.
Smalltalker: Och ne, schon wieder?
Smalltalker: Sowas unglaubliches. Und das gleich zweimal hintereinander.
JoJo: Jo.

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Well, undoubtly somebody had to come up with this idea: Sexiest Gamer!.

Which is a scary idea by itself and can only be topped by the current number 4 on the female top ten as she is a big fan of Fable.
Aehm...we have not released the game yet!

[No, I'm not moaning. Only simply pointing out that some people don't seem to need the finished product and are exited alone by the idea of the game coming out one day]

[[Or maybe - god forbid - she means a completely different game]]

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Looks like I protest against the whole music-piracy topic subconsciously by just not listening to music.

Not that I don't want to listen to music. But over the last days it seems that I simple forgot to do so. And normally you would't find me without headphones and loads of CDs at my desk.

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Heute im Branchentelefonbuch gelesen "Stan Is The Man For Your Van."

Und immer wenn ich den Satz lese, dann fuehle ich mich als wuerde ich auf meinem Hintern einen Hang voller Hindernisse runterrodeln.

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If I would be your hour glass...

...I'd hold my breath the moment you smile
and defeat your death a neverending while...

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Muss doch ein Amt geben wo ein Antrag auf Verlaengerung des Tages gestellt werden kann. 24 reichen nicht. Ganz ehrlich. Ich brauche 48 - mindestens!
Aber keine 48 aus jetzigen Tagen zusammengemixt sondern ganz frische! So wie die Freilandhuehner vom Lande.

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